The minister of technology, research and atomic energy, Patali Champika Ranawaka says that when considering the district marking levels of the grade 5 scholarship, it is clear that the Tamil students have the equal rights but not the Sinhala students.
He said that it is revealed by not giving minimum marks in Sinhala medium for 4 districts and giving minimum marks in Tamil medium for all the districts.
“When releasing the results, the minimum marks for Sinhala medium were not given for Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar and Batticaloa. But minimum marks for Tamil medium were given island wide. This shows that Tamil students have equal rights island wide. But, by not giving Sinhala medium marks for 4 district it proves that Sinhala people have no rights to live to gain privileges in these districts.”
“Further, when comparing the results, it is clear that the Tamil medium marking levels are very low. But, Sinhala
students have had to face high competition. The Tamil students have more opportunities than Sinhalese. Those who talk about equal rights should think of this.”
“This is unfair for Sinhalese and not for Tamils. Tamils can live in any District” he added further.
He said that it is revealed by not giving minimum marks in Sinhala medium for 4 districts and giving minimum marks in Tamil medium for all the districts.
“When releasing the results, the minimum marks for Sinhala medium were not given for Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar and Batticaloa. But minimum marks for Tamil medium were given island wide. This shows that Tamil students have equal rights island wide. But, by not giving Sinhala medium marks for 4 district it proves that Sinhala people have no rights to live to gain privileges in these districts.”
“Further, when comparing the results, it is clear that the Tamil medium marking levels are very low. But, Sinhala
students have had to face high competition. The Tamil students have more opportunities than Sinhalese. Those who talk about equal rights should think of this.”
“This is unfair for Sinhalese and not for Tamils. Tamils can live in any District” he added further.