Pooja Umashankar, the Indian actress who won the award for the "Most Popular Actress" at the "Derana Lux Film Awards" festival, has faced with objections from the local actresses, reports say.
A number of Sri Lanka's top level actresses have publicly expressed their dislike towards her, 9090 learns.
At an interview with a tabloid supplement of a weekend newspaper, Pooja has been asked whether there it was true that some local actresses are enthuusiastic with her participance in Sri Lankan movies.
Noting that although she does not believe it to be so, Pooja has added that even if was true, it would be utterly baseless
A number of Sri Lanka's top level actresses have publicly expressed their dislike towards her, 9090 learns.
At an interview with a tabloid supplement of a weekend newspaper, Pooja has been asked whether there it was true that some local actresses are enthuusiastic with her participance in Sri Lankan movies.
Noting that although she does not believe it to be so, Pooja has added that even if was true, it would be utterly baseless